Wild North Whisky 750ml

Wild North Whisky 750ml

Product Code: 057496010709

Nose: The nose brings fruit and sweetness quite prominently. There's a citrus-y florality and linalool (Fruit Loops), with the overall sweet profile of corn whisky distillate. There's also a musty note that comes through early on. Palate: The palate brings much of the sweetness with a pronounced citrus character. Some butterscotch continues the dessert whisky taste until it's met by a rising, warm rye. Finish: Throughout, a full mouthfeel is the result of the elevated bottling strength. That 43% also gives a warming heft which nicely offsets the light citrus notes. The finish is where the rye component really comes into its own. The whisky turns warming here, with white pepper and bitter grapefruit pith. There is some drying and oak, and the effect is sort of like Tabasco sauce. But it all wraps up on lingering maple.

  • Alcohol content : 43.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Canada

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