Plantation Xaymaca 750ml

Plantation Xaymaca 750ml

Product Code: 695521152491

Very complex, slightly smoky and meaty with fruity, herbal and sour notes building up. Next vanilla come forward, almost pastry-like, with cooked banana, bitter orange peel and ripe pineapple. Dry, with a more floral and fruitier profile of rose water, soursop, pear, white grape, apricot and sugar-apple. Next some coconut milk, balsam, allspices, bread and nuts emerge.

  • Alcohol content : 43.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Jamaica

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$22.00 /UNIT $36.50
Store Address City Quantity
Moncton North / Nord 1780 ch. Mountain Road Moncton 1
Campbellton 130 rue Roseberry Street Campbellton 1

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