Pongracz Rose 750ml

Pongracz Rose 750ml

Product Code: 6001108044556

Pongracz Rose is made of 60% Pinot Noir that imparts a clean flintness, and 40% Chardonnay for its distinctive body and taste. This Cap Classique Rose delights the palate as much as the eye and evokes an air of romance with its delicate salmon pink hue. Delicate strawberry tones are layered with whiffs of baked bread. On the palate it is perfectly balanced with clean acidity and juicy blackberry fruit. The Rose lends itself to rich duck confit and is a must with truffle and mushroom risotto.

  • Sweetness Level : 1
  • Grape and Percentage : 60% Pinot Noir - 40% Chardonnay
  • Country of origin : South Africa
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Quantity per container : 1

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$26.79 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
Moncton - Expérience 55 rue Queen Street Moncton 18
Dieppe - boul. Dieppe Blvd 780 boul. Dieppe Blvd Dieppe 9