Hendricks Flora Adora 750ml

Hendricks Flora Adora 750ml

Product Code: 5010327704173

This limited-release gin was inspired by nature, masterfully combining 11 distilled botanicals and adding rose and cucumber to create enticing aromas of fresh flowers and herbs. The juniper and coriander backbone is complimented by the sweet, floral character on the palate, fresh and herbal. Serve in classic cocktails

  • Alcohol content : 43.4%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : United Kingdom

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$60.20 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
Saint John - rue Somerset St 650 rue Somerset Street Saint John 12
Saint John - East Point 40 East Point Way Saint John 5
Kennebecasis Valley 115 prom. Campbell Drive Rothesay 4