Beringer Napa Valley Chardonnay 750ml

Beringer Napa Valley Chardonnay 750ml

Product Code: 089819072965

Our Stanly Ranch vineyard in Carneros is also a large component of the blend, which added bright citrus notes and a lovely minerality. Flavors of roasted pineapple, ripe apples and lemon meringue are accented by aromas of vanilla and sweet citrus. The wine’s bright citrus notes and nice acid balance are an ideal counterpoint to its rich, honeyed fruit flavors.

  • Sweetness Level : 0
  • Grape and Percentage : 100% Chardonnay
  • Country of origin : USA - California
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Quantity per container : 1

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$34.99 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
Saint John - East Point 40 East Point Way Saint John 8
Kennebecasis Valley 115 prom. Campbell Drive Rothesay 9
Saint Andrews 100 rue Water Street Saint Andrews 30